这是5月初组织者发出的关于DC新闻发布会的消息,当时有50多个亚裔组织联署。后来更多的组织得到消息后纷纷加入行动,最后共有64个联署亚裔组织。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 50多个亚裔组织要求调查哈佛的歧视性行为
2015年5月15日, 50多个亚裔组织的领袖和代表将在首都华盛顿的国家新闻俱乐部举行新闻发布会,宣布对哈佛在亚裔申请人录取中的歧视性行为提起行政申诉。 在大学录取中受到歧视是亚裔所遭受的最大的民权问题之一。 在经历了20余年的沉默之后,众多亚裔组织将在5月15日联合向位于首都华盛顿的司法部民权分部,和位于波士顿的教育部民权办公室就此提起行政申诉。在申诉中,亚裔组织联盟要求教育部和司法部对哈佛的录取程序进行详细调查;并要求哈佛大学和其他常青藤大学停止录取中的歧视性行为,包括使用种族成见、种族偏见、种族配额及其他不合法的手段。这将是20多年来亚裔为争取平等的大学录取权利所采取的规模最大的联合行动,所参加的亚裔组织遍及全美,包括华裔、印度裔、韩裔和巴基斯坦裔等族裔。 计划参加新闻发布会的有联邦议员Dana Rohrabacher先生,还有因为遭受长春藤名校歧视,曾在2013年向教育部人权办公室提出过申诉的Michael Wang先生。 我们在此诚挚邀请所有的新闻行业人员参加这次发布会。这个有关亚裔平等教育权利的活动特意被选定在2015年的亚太美国人传统之月—五月举行。 日期: 星期五, 2015年5月15日 时间:下午1:00至2:30(东部时间)。 地点: 国家新闻俱乐部, The National Press Club, 529 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20045. 媒体联系人: 赵宇空, [email protected], (407)921-8452, 李春燕 [email protected], (973)641-9011。 请确认参加并向上述两位询问任何相关问题。 我们期待您的参与。 诚挚的, 哈佛申诉执行委员会
50+ Asian-American Organizations Challenge Harvard’s Discrimination May 15, 2015 1:00 PM Location: Zenger Room 50+ Asian-American Organizations Challenge Harvard’s Discrimination On Friday May 15, 2015, leaders and representatives of more than 50 Asian American Organizations will be holding a press conference in The National Press Club in Washington, D.C. to announce an Administrative Complaint against Harvard University regarding its discriminatory admission practices against Asian American applicants. The discrimination in college admissions is the biggest civil rights issue Asian Americans suffer from. After being largely silent for more than 20 years, Asian American organizations will now jointly file an Administrative Complaint with the Civil Rights Division, Department of Justice in Washington D.C. and Office of Civil Rights, Department of Education in Boston on May 15, 2015. In this Complaint the coalition of Asian American organizations requests that the Department of Education and the Department of Justice conduct a thorough investigation of Harvard on its admissions process and require Harvard University and other Ivy League Universities to stop their discriminatory practices in admission including racial stereotypes, racial biases, racial quota and other illegal means. This is the largest action taken by Asian Americans for equal college admission rights in 20 years, joined by more than 50 Chinese, Indian, Korean and Pakistani organizations all over the nation. Planned attendees also include Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and Mr. Michael Wang, who filed a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights, Department of Education in 2013 regarding his unfair treatment by Ivy League Universities. We hereby cordially invite all journalists and members of the press to this conference, an event about Asian American equal education rights specially held in the Asian Pacific American Heritage Month of 2015. DATE: Friday, May 15, 2015 Please send your confirmation and feel free to contact the above with any further questions. We look forward to your participation. Sincerely yours, Organizing Committee |
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