Published on Mar 15, 2016 2月20日2016年、北美43城市发生了华裔挺梁大游行、视频连接了43个城市的游行画面。当华人受到不公平的对待时、让我们站在一起。为正义呐喊!6分钟连接全北美43城市游行真实视频,看后画面震撼给力。当华人遇到不公正的对待时,华人都出来一起呐喊,一起为不公平游行抗议。视频制作用时25天,挺梁团队视频群收集大量视频很辛苦。大家请转到你的朋友圈里或转发到各个网站上,为华人团结一心出一份力! -- 风雷 怀特 02/18/2016 北美大地起风雷,百万华人怒火烧。 路见不平一声吼,众志成城讨公平。 团结一致涌上街,齐声呐喊展雄风。 不再沉默替罪,勇于维权斗志昂。 星星之火可燎原,涓涓细流汇长河。 问政参选争权益,全民参与华人争。 莫认政治不关己,其实处处都相连。 必胜信念心中装,战略战术想周全。 声势浩大展华威,试看天下谁能敌。 维权浪潮滚滚来,一浪一浪接一浪。 胆颤心惊震敌胆,看你再敢瞎胡来。 不达目的誓不休,从此北美换新颜。 待到山花烂漫时,绿水青山两样情。 北美大地依旧在,唯有️中情不尽! -- -- (@宋裕发) 这个写的很好!转竞选国会议员的黑人的声明 来自黑人Denise Gitsham for Congress的支持:My response to NYPD Officer Peter Liang's conviction: Officer Peter Liang’s indictment is a grave miscarriage of justice, anchored by the loss of an innocent man, Akai Gurley, whose death has devastated a family, community and our nation. While we can do and say nothing to bring Mr. Gurley back, we can and must do all that we can to prevent the further compounding of tragedies, by protesting Officer Liang’s conviction. The facts of this case indicate that this shooting was a tragic accident. Officer Liang’s bullet discharged into a wall, and ricocheted into Mr. Gurley, who was merely walking in a dark stairwell. No altercation occurred between the two, Mr. Gurley was not armed, and Officer Liang didn't aim the gun he accidentally set off. In fact, he didn’t even know that Mr. Gurley had been shot until later. These facts never indicated that Liang knew or should have known that his actions would result in the death of an unarmed, innocent man. Unfortunately, this tragedy occurred in a political environment where tensions between police officers and communities of color are at an all time high. Officer convictions are still extremely rare – and, perhaps, rarer than they should be. Liang’s case can only be viewed in this highly politicized context, as he has become the scapegoat for a flawed criminal justice system. This case has set off a flurry of activism on both sides, as outlined in the NY Times article below. We, as a society, have a great deal of work to do to ensure that our criminal justice system treats everyone, regardless of their skin color, race, or ethnicity, with dignity and respect. Pinning the weight of past inequalities on one rookie Asian officer, however, is not the path to justice. Revenge, yes. Justice, no. Until we get this equation right, there will never be true justice; only actions and reactions that move us further from resolution. I stand with the tens of thousands of protestors across our nation who urge the New York criminal justice system to seek real reform, rather use Officer Liang as a temporary, mollifying scapegoat. -- (@Wennan ) 【转帖】2-20-2016 旧金山游行中间捡垃圾的义工. 不愧是模范民族! -- (@Paul) This video is worth watching. We all can learn something from how John Liu conducted himself in the public. He is a good example of great public relation and communication. On the other hand, the aunt of Gurley won no sympathy due to her combative style. |
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