CCACC Toastmasters Club is a friendly, dynamic and diversely talented bilingual Toastmasters club. You can practice communication and leadership skills in a supportive, self-paced, fun atmosphere. This is where you learn by doing!
CCACC Toastmasters can help you to:
Listen effectively.
Speak and present compellingly.
Think quickly and clearly.
Become a strong leader.
We hold four meetings every month. We have Chinese club meetings on first and third Saturdays, and English club meetings on the other Saturdays. Yes, this is the only Toastmasters Club in this region where Chinese is spoken as one of the official languages! We aim to speak only English at our English meetings, and only Chinese at our Chinese meetings. If you do not speak Chinese, you can choose to come to only our English meetings.
Come join us every Saturday at 5:00pm-6:30pm to enhance your public speaking and leadership skills! Guests and visitors are always welcome, free of charge! Members pay $6 per month, and $25 per year for room rental (which comes with membership at CCACC). Books and membership kit (for first timers) cost $20. This is a one-time fee.
We do not meet on 5th Saturdays or on certain Holiday weekends. Please contact us before you visit to confirm that we are meeting. We look forward to meeting you!
Meeting location: Montgomery County Council Office Building
Small Conference Room behind cafetaria (Room 2F)
100 Maryland Ave Rm 2F, Rockville, MD, 20850, USA
Meeting dates and time: Usually on 2nd and 4th Sunday from 10:15am to 11:45am (with occasional changes around holidays).
Please click on Club Calendar to your left for meeting date changes during holiday week/month.
For calendar:
For directions: