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Fairfax County, VA: Republican Sample Ballot

Fairfax County 投票站地点和开放时间:http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/elections/absentee.htm

Republican Sample Ballot

Posted on October 1, 2016

Vote for Fiscal Responsibility!

Posted on October 1, 2016

Borrowing money by issuing bonds can be a useful tool for funding construction of roads, parks, and other improvements – but local government officials should not ask the voters to take on new debt without considering the total burden the taxpayers already bear.

Earlier this year, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors raised property taxes by $100 million. And, when you vote this year, the Board is asking you to give the County another $90 million a year in the form of the proposed meals tax.

The Board is also asking you to let them borrow a total of $312 million, plus interest. This money has to be repaid with future tax revenues, so if you vote to approve the three bond issues on the ballot, you and every other taxpayer in Fairfax County will be on the hook to pay the money back for years to come.

The Board of Supervisors has already shown an appetite for increasing taxes without doing enough to control current spending. Since the year 2000, inflation has gone up 49%, household income in the County has gone up by 35%, and population has increased 18% – but County property taxes have gone up by 154%.

How does this make sense? Where does it stop?

Fairfax County is a great place to live. But it won’t stay that way if the Board of Supervisors doesn’t manage spending better. This is your chance to send them a message: no more tax and spend.

Vote NO on the Bond Issues!

Vote NO on the Meals Tax!

Fairfax County, VA: 2016 Meals Tax Referendum

Source: http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/mealstax/

Voter Information

The Board of Supervisors voted on June 7, 2016 to place a meals tax referendum on the Nov. 8 election ballot.

Short Explanation

State law authorizes counties, cities, and towns to levy a tax on prepared food and beverages, commonly called a “meals tax,” subject to certain restrictions. Most counties, including Fairfax County, may levy a meals tax only if the voters approve the tax by referendum.

The question presented in this referendum asks Fairfax County voters whether the Board of Supervisors should be authorized to levy a meals tax, as allowed by Virginia Code § 58.1-3833, at a rate not to exceed four percent (4%) of the amount charged for the taxable food and beverages. The Board of Supervisors has decided to dedicate the revenues to two purposes, which are specified in the ballot question. First, 70 percent of the net revenues would be dedicated to Fairfax County Public Schools. Second, 30 percent of the net revenues would be dedicated to County services, capital improvements and property tax relief.

The question also states that the Board of Supervisors’ reason for seeking authority to impose a meals tax is to reduce the County’s dependence on real estate taxes. Currently, nearly 65 percent of Fairfax County’s General Fund budget relies upon real estate taxes. State law limits what the County can tax and how it may otherwise raise revenue. Almost 90 percent of Fairfax County non-property tax revenues are capped, limited, or controlled by the state. A meals tax would give the County a new source of revenue, which would help diversify the County’s revenue base. At the maximum 4% tax rate, a meals tax would generate an estimated $99 million per year.

The tax would apply to prepared food and beverages at restaurants and similar establishments, although the law carves out some exceptions where the tax would not apply. It would apply to beverages, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, that are served with a meal. It would not apply to groceries. Grocery and convenience stores would only collect the tax on ready-to-eat foods, like foods from the delicatessen. On a $5 meal, the meals tax would be $.20. On a $50 meal, the meals tax would be $2. A meals tax applies in addition to other applicable taxes, such as sales taxes.

A number of area jurisdictions already impose a meals tax, including Arlington County, the cities of Alexandria, Falls Church, and Fairfax, and the towns of Herndon and Vienna. Based upon state law, the County’s meals tax would not apply in the towns of Clifton, Herndon or Vienna.

If a majority of voters approve the meals tax referendum, then the Board of Supervisors may adopt an ordinance that specifies the tax rate and the terms of the tax. The ballot question dedicates the “net” revenues of the meals tax to the two purposes specified, so the Board of Supervisors would have the authority to allow the sellers to be compensated for their collection efforts and timely filing and remittance of the tax.

Information Resource - Pamphlet (4 Languages)

All versions are in PDF format

English (This pamphlet is being mailed in September to households in Fairfax County.)




Ballot Question


For the purpose of reducing dependence on real estate taxes, shall the Board of Supervisors of Fairfax County, Virginia, be authorized to levy a tax on prepared food and beverages, otherwise known as a meals tax, as allowed by Virginia Code § 58.1-3833, at a rate not to exceed four percent (4%) of the amount charged for prepared food and beverages (which, based upon state law, is applicable only to sales outside of the town of Clifton, and towns of Herndon and Vienna that have already implemented a meals tax)? The revenues generated shall be dedicated to the following purposes:

  1. 70 percent of the net revenues to Fairfax County Public Schools.
  2. 30 percent of the net revenues to County services, capital improvements and property tax relief.





看看民主党控制的校董会的行为,今年的财政赤字问题更加严重,比去年预计的还要高,去年刚刚大幅度加税收,房产税涨了3%,今年赤字问题反而更加严重。这个是校董Ryan发的信息“This week the school board received its first fiscal forecast for 2017-18. Currently, we have a projected deficit of $150M, which is even bigger than our projected deficit last year ($100M). A meals tax would provide about $70M in revenue to the schools. If the meals tax fails, we will have insurmountable budget problems for this coming year.”

而他们提出的解决方案永远是再加税,现在提出要加meal tax.这个可不是只有外出吃饭才加的税,如果买半成品,processed food也要加税,是对工薪阶级的进一步压迫。

这个meal tax 不是tax富人的,是tax中产的。富人一天吃10顿饭吗? 他们能多付多少税?这个税tax所有processed food! 谁有时间做饭不怎么吃成品和半成品?不上班的人。富人雇人做饭的话也不受影响。只有疲于奔命于工作和孩子之间的中产阶层,又一次成为牺牲品。

民主党的本质就是 “道德绑架,经济掠夺。”


维州选民登记申请常识 (如果你身边有华裔公民不知道如何去做选民登记或投票,

•普选日期 (总统大选):2016年11月8日

普选选民登记截止日期:2016年10月17日 (在此之前必须完成登记!否则,不能投票)

登记资格:在做选民登记时,您必需具备以下资格:年满17岁即可做选民登记;但是您 必须在选举当天年满18岁,才有资格投票。必须是美国公民,维州居 民。

如何登记:您持有有效的维州驾照或证件,可以在 https://vote.elections.virginia.gov/VoterInformation网上登记或下载英文 或西班牙文选民登记表 格。打电话到 ‪703-222-0776‬ 向选举委员会索取选民登记表 格或点字表格。可亲至选举委员会、汽车监理所、郡图书馆或郡办公室(健康或社 服处)索取。亲自将填妥 的申请表送至当地选举委员会。申请表必须具有原始签名,传真本无效.

如何检查你是否注册为选民:给维州/所在县选举机构或选举委员会打电话。弗吉尼亚州: ‪(800) 552-9745‬。登陆州选民事务办公室的网站。http://elections.virginia.gov/citizen-portal/index.html



-- 张炜


缺席选票要去网上申请 https://vote.elections.virginia.gov/VoterInformation 那页下面是注册了的选民消息认证,然后可以申请提早投票

David Chen,
Oct 3, 2016, 8:32 PM