VA 居民: 我为什么选川普?


(Fairfax, VA 居民)

先声明一下, 我即不是 R党也不是 D党, 2000 年 和 2004 年 我没有选 小布, 选的民主党, 2008 和2012 我没有选 O8,选的 共和党。 历史已经证明, 在过去的 16 年 , 美国人民都选错人了. 这个国家毕竟太年轻, 她需要学习, 特别 是 从自己的错误中学习。 好在 她的 三权分立系统, 使得总统的错误限制在可以制约的范围, 自由媒体可以发出人民的声音。

2015 年我已经下决心,坚决不选民主党。 那么共和党选谁呢? 共和党 开始竞选时, 17 个候选人 齐刷刷往台上一站,真把我的脸亮瞎了。 人人是精英, 个个都是 不得了的人物, 没有 两把刷子敢往那儿站吗? 我当时 最不喜欢 川普, 因为他是资本家, 形象又不好, 根本没把他当回事, 可这哥们儿竟成了媒体上的大热门, 电视里报纸上天天都是他的新闻, 时不时爆出他的 离经叛道的 尖端观点, 我听听, 觉得他的话很有道理。 比如 Anchor Baby , 这其实是 很要害的问题, 一般的 政治人物要是说了等于 政治自杀,他就敢于出来了,说出老百姓心里话。他的支持度反而大幅上涨,我对他有了好感 。

今年三月份看到了Washington Post interview 他的报道, 对他 参选的 动机有了了解,他说 他家里人 不想让他参选, 说 自己家里日子过得好好的, 不要去淌这 浑水, 但他觉得这个国家再这样下去不行了, 他要出来担当, 我感受到他的爱国情怀。 我 又认真读了他 4月 27 日 关于外交政策的讲话。 觉得这个人很有国际视野, 脑子很清醒, 能够清醒认识到 美国究竟有 多少实力和能力, 提出美国要战略收缩, 不要输出自己的 政治理念, 要先把自己国家的 事情搞好, 现在美国 赤字高垒, 基础设施陈旧, 大批工作机会外流, 中产阶级在萎缩。 这些都是 美国的现实。 只有他能 直面现实美国 的问题 并讲出来这 真需要勇气。 而 现在 的 职业政治家为了选票, 不敢正视问题, 反而继续开支票来 买选票。

这是使我转向挺川的重要一 步, 在加上这几个月来美国发生的事情包括1. 最高法院判决同性恋婚姻合法化,2. 最高法院判决 教育AA制合法化, 3. 公厕 问题, 4。 BLM 以及目前美国种族分裂和对立加剧, 使得我感到形势的严峻, 不能 再选民主党了。

在美国的华裔, 每个人都有自己的地位处境和利益所在, 可以 按照自己的想法来投票。 但大家都要面对这个国家的现实和我们华裔的现实:

1. 经济问题: 美国的 国债 从 2008 年的 9 T (1 T= 10 兆 ) (这可是美国 200 多年积累的 债务) 到 2015 年 的 18 T, 到 O8下台时 会达 到20 T, O8 八年把 美国 的 债务翻了一番, 联邦政府 每年的 预算是 大约 3T,其中 1.T 靠借债度日, 也就是说 美国 联邦 政府 每花 3元钱 有一元是借的, 这样的 日子还能持续多久呢? 可 两党候选人除了 Trump没有一人敢触及 这个问题, 民主党反而 为了买选票儿 继续开支票, 比如大学免学费, 把 Medicare 提前到 55 岁, 可 从不提 这钱从 哪里出?搞 O8Care已经再一次压榨了中产阶级, 再搞个 免学费, 还要继续让 辛勤劳动的中产阶级出血。

2.非法移民 问题: 1986 年 里根总统主导 两党 协力合作 通过了1986 年 移民改革,对 非法移民 实行大赦, 当年 2.7 M非法移民获益取得绿卡 , 三十年过去了,这个 移民 改革的 结果是 非法 移民从 2.7 M上涨到 12 M,西裔人口从 5% 上升到将近 20%, 成为 谁也不敢小瞧的 大族裔。如果 再搞一次大赦, 让 12 M非法移民拿绿卡, 三十年后, 美国会成为什么样子? 这次大选没有一个候选人敢触及这个问题, 只有Trump 尖锐的指出这个问题。

3.司法公正问题: 司法公正是美国社会稳定和成功的基石, 而现在这个系统出了大问题,就在不久前 出现了 最高法院 法官 Ruth Bader Ginsburg知法犯法, 公然公开干预总统大选, 以及现任 司法部长 Loretta Lynch 知法犯法,公然违法和嫌疑人 的 家属克林顿单独见面 ,而且 他们 都没有 受到惩罚。下一 届 总统要 提名 1-4 名 最高法院大法官, 如果再任由民主党选上 4 个 自由派大法官 , 就会永久性的 破坏美国的司法公正。

4. AA制。 如果说你认为 上面 三个问题属于国家大事和你切身利益关系不大, 那民主党的AA制就切切实实影响到我们每一个华裔家庭, 影响到我们子孙后代。 我们新移民千辛万苦来到美国, 不就是想要给我们后代一个美好的 未来吗? 如果 放任 非法移民继续涌入, 他们不仅要吃饭,住房,医疗, 而且要优先上好大学, 优先得到好工作, 从上学到工作职场,甚至监狱 也要 AA制,华裔遵纪守法, 在监狱里比例少, 那么 华裔犯一点错, 就给你判重刑, 以增加比例。 人生这几个最重要的门槛,都把我们华裔子弟的路堵死了。 我们不为我们的孩子们力争, 还有我们的活路吗?

川普不是完人, 作为商人, 要 找他的毛病 问题 会有 一大堆, 但今年 这两个候选人, 川普是我们 华裔最好的选择了。

为了我们的 子孙后代 , 川普 2016 !

题外话, 川普这 两儿一女(两个小的不算), 按照我们 华裔的 标准来看 , 是不是 很成功的 样板? 能把孩子教育成这样,他和我们华裔的 价值观是不是 一样?

FULL SPEECH: Donald Trump - Republican National Convention - THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE USA?


王湉 (天天) 在共和党亚裔全美峰会上的讲话

2016-07-21 美国华人之声编辑 美国华人之声

My name is David Tian Wang. I am honored to be here today. Thank you for being here, Chairman Priebus, Secretary Chao and honored guests and donors for this great opportunity.

I was born in China and immigrated to the United States in 1999. I have learned to love my adopted country and treasure American values. And that is why I started the Chinese Americans for Trump movement.

CAFT, the Chinese Americans for Trump movement, is a group of over 5,000 Chinese Americans from across the United States of America. We come from all walks of life, diverse in age and professions. We have organized voter outreach programs, canvassing, rallying and fundraising for Mr. Trump's campaign in over 28 different states. The youngest in our group is barely 18; the oldest, 84.

What brought us together is the belief in Mr. Donald J. Trump’s vision for America.

WE believes that Hillary Clinton represents the old, broken Washington plagued with corruption and gridlock. Mrs. Clinton has been in Washington since 1992 and was an integral part of that broken system. The national debt grew by more than $9 Trillion, nearly doubling, under Barack Obama. Yet, median income for American households fell by $1,700 per year under Obama. American families are suffering and Mrs. Clinton was part of the failed policies that caused it.

A vote for Donald Trump, on the other hand, is a vote for real change that can bring back the core values of America, which made our nation the most powerful and prosperous country in the world.

WE believes that under Obama, America has lost the spirit that helped put American astronauts on the moon and made America the world leader. To us, the slogan “Make America Great Again” is about instilling the Can-Do attitude in Americans. It is about inspiring American kids to take an interest in science and technology, to dream big, and to work hard. It is about giving American families hope for a better future.

We believe that college admission should be merit-based. Affirmative Action (AA) based on ethnicity is currently implemented by many states and schools, but it has failed the students it is supposed to help. According to studies, about 70% of students admitted through AA could not graduate after 5 years in college. Bills such as SCA5 or AB1726 are simply Wrong.

While the goal should be a purely merit-based system, we are not completely opposed to AA as an interim solution. If a state or school insists on AA, they should shift toward giving preferential treatment and resources based on students’ household income, instead of based solely on skin color or ethnicity. That way, low-income families regardless of ethnicity get the help.

To help kids from low-income neighborhoods better prepare for college, we are proposing boarding charter schools that provide a safe, nurturing and immersive learning environment during weeknights. More funds will be needed for these schools than regular charter schools. We intend to work with non-profit foundations and large corporations to secure funding.

We believe Mr. Trump’s skill in making deals will be conducive to finding mutually beneficial solutions when dealing with foreign countries, including China. We believe fair trade with China is possible and achievable. On issues like North Korea, Taiwan and the South China Sea, facilitating dialogue between the parties involved will be advantageous to maintaining the peace in those regions. We are Americans first and foremost, and we are fully willing to help build those bridges.

We will fight for America in the upcoming election and beyond, so that this great nation, the land of the free, will prosper and provide opportunities for our children and grandchildren as she did for us.

We will fight indefinitely for the Chinese American Core Values and the Conservative Value of the GOP.

We will fight for Mr. Trump’s vision for America: to bring back a time when Americans were able to dream big and do great things; when Americans dared to go to the moon and reach for the stars; when Americans were hopeful about their future, not hopeless like many families are today.

Together with Mr. Donald J Trump, our next president of the United States of America, and with all the fellow Asian Americans, joined together.

We will not go into the night without a fight.







Best Comment I've Read By Far:

"LETTER TO THE RNC (An updated version) A MUST READ:
"We don't care if the guy swears... or how many times he's been married...or who he voted for, or what his income tax return shows. We want the problems fixed. Yes he's an egomaniac, but we don't care. We know he's not a racist, or bad to women, or all the other things the liberal media is trying to label him with. We know he's raised a good family, and that says a lot about him.

The country is a mess because politicians suck, the Republican Party is two faced & gutless, and illegals are everywhere and Muslims are openly trying to hurt this country and make the civilized world adjust to them. We want it all fixed!
We don't care that Trump is crude, we don't care that he has changed positions, we don't care that he fights with Megan Kelly, Rosie O'Donnell, and so many of the elected establishment. We don't care that Rubio, Cruz, Ryan, the Bush's, and so many other top old and new Republicans refuse to endorse him for their own selfish reasons, and we know what they are. We don't care that he doesn't know the name of some Muslim terrorists, we don't care that he tried some businesses that didn't work out.
This country is weak, bankrupt, our enemies are making fun of us, we are being invaded by illegals, we are becoming a nation of victims, where every Tom, Ricardo and Hasid is a special group with special rights to a point where we don't even recognize the country we were born and raised in, AND WE JUST WANT IT FIXED. And TRUMP is the only guy who seems to understand what the people want.

We're sick of politicians, sick of the Democratic and Republican Party. We're angry about the Iran deal, the budget, treatment of Israel, military weakness, lobbyists, special interests, overpaid politicians with their self serving bills and back room deals, trade deals, loss of jobs, manipulated economic numbers, businesses fleeing, and even the phoney pay for play Clinton Foundation.
Americans are no longer going to be fooled, and the movement is out to change the direction we're taking. Trump may not be a saint, but he doesn't have lobbyist money holding him, he doesn't have political correctness restraining him, and all you know is that he has been very successful, a good negotiator, he has built a lot of things, he's flexible, and he's also not a politician. And he says he'll fix it. And we believe him because he is too much of an egotist to be proven wrong or looked at and called a liar.
Public service has become elected greed. This may be our only chance to have a non-politician, despite his flaws, try and correct the mess, at least for 4 years. We must take the shot, because the consequences of putting Hillary Clinton in office are frightening. There is a tidal wave happening, and its going to overcome much of what's happened to this country. You can repost this!"




好像有统计说,华裔70%以上支持床铺. 那80-20好像比例颠倒了.






