MD 居民 原创 亚裔选票很重要 我们大家经常说,亚裔人口少,选票可有可无,大家不去投票,也不参加社区的各种竞选活动,也不宣传亚裔在社区内参加的活动及为社区做出的贡献。现在是时候做出改变了。目前全美国的人口结构如下(2015):白人61.6%,Hispanic ethnicity 17.6%,black 13.3%, Asian 5.6%. 目前的情况就是黑人大约是亚裔的2倍,Hispanic people 为亚裔的3倍。黑人的社会影响力远远超过亚裔,无论哪个层次的选举,都要争取黑人选票。黑人博物馆、艺术馆、黑人历史文化展览馆等等,黑人的社会地位和对经济基础和上层建筑的影响力远远超过他们对人口构成的影响。所以随着亚裔人口的增多,尤其是中国人人口的增多,一定要积极发声,积极参与各种选举,在各个场合多宣全大部分亚裔为社区及社会作出的贡献: 1 由于亚裔普遍重视教育,使所在社区公立学校分值高,由此使所在社区房屋价值高,交的房产税就高,为社区贡献大; 2 亚裔普遍重视教育,教育程度高,收入高,为国家及为社会的贡献大; 3 亚裔社区亚洲特色的生意非常多,为所在社区经济贡献大; 4 中国人健康观念强,注重养生与健康,肥胖率低。 亚裔还有很多优势,你可自己宣全。就积极参与社区事务及今年大选来说,策略应该是这样: 1 投票给你喜欢的候选人; 2 投票给可信赖的候选人; 3 投票给认可亚裔社区与亚裔文化的人; 4 投票给具有影响力,能领导社区及影响社区的人。 美国现在处于一个非常时期,全国大选来说,应该选一个意志坚定,有前瞻意识,能够在维护三权鼎立基础上将这个带回到正确的方向上。 5 投票给一个提出政策符合你价值观的人; 6 如果候选人达不到你的要求,那就投给你不希望那个人选上的对手; 7 如果你不希望任何人选上,就投给第三方; 8 一定要去投票。因为选举后会有人做研究分析投票行为,指导下一次选举。 先说一下 Trump 的辩论 吧。 1 整体形象要有信心,就是说,我有很多问题,但对手也有很多; 2 对自己的政策要表现的很firm。 移民政策:限制非法移民,严格审查来自恐怖活动活跃地区的移民,这对爱好和平的移民是好事,可以还他们清白;。 经济政策:创造更多的工作机会,对将工作外包的公司实行高税收政策,对将工作机会留在国内的公司予以税收优惠;将资本收益税率提高;税收向生产力创造公司倾斜;等等。 贸易政策:trump 的贸易思想比较不错。 外交政策: 强化军事,联合反恐,以美国利益为中心。 美国自己国内恐怖事件频发,自己的人都保护不了,债台高筑,哪个国家会对美国有信心? 国内政策,要维持法律和秩序,使各种族能安居乐业。加大对警察进行培训,同时更要对民众进行培训,尤其是对受教育程度低的人群进行法律和行为的培训。对小学生进行同性恋变性人教育太过分。 工作创造:Hillary 创造的工作基本都是政府工作或政府投资创造的工作,低效且不可持续。 上面是主持人有可能问的问题,根据trump的表达能力,少说,firm,简单,不要跟host argue. 跟 Hillary 的互动: 1 tax return: 我应该早向公众公开我的tax问题,但我依法纳税,合法经营。我知道税法存在问题,我能够改善它,使它变得对高收入和中低收入者都能够接受;Hillary同样利用税法省税,2015年税表17页,报损$700000,仅一年,没有任何实业经营,报损$700000,如果继续累积,理论上远超trump的报损。 在tax return 上,肯定会受到主持了和对方的大肆攻击,但一定不要多说,不要多说,表明依法经营,合法纳税,对方干了同样的事情? 最厉害的就是 where does your money come from? How could you make 10 mi? That should be the tax return. 2 有关个人财富及家族继承财富的问题: 上次辩论Hillary 利用这个问题让trump 难看,估计她还会就这个问题联合tax return 继续发难,我感觉是trump 不要继续brags 他有多少财富。而应该说, 是的,我不是亿万富豪,我努力工作赚钱。 跟你相比,我的钱太少了,赚起来太难了,要冒着破产的风险。我从我家族继承了钱,我谢谢他们让我的起点比一般人高。我很努力的工作,我的经营也是很成功的。但我还是没有你富有,你白手起家,没有经营任何实业,无破产风险,仅靠为政府工作就成为亿万富豪,无任何风险,白手起家. 一定要强调这几点,不要多说自己有多富。Hillary肯定会攻击trump不善经营,继承钱财但还是破产是个loser 3 有关trump个人历史的问题: playful attitude to women etc. I respect women a lot. Look at the women who work in my company. I have good relationship with my ex wives. How about Bill? Has he been playful to women? Where has been your position in your marriage? 4 有关 Trump law suit 的问题:这个问题其实满重要, 因为确实影响不太好。 我觉得trump 应该说, 是的,我在经营过程中是有一些诉讼。我也一致在努力改善。但你知道房地产行业及实业领域,有时因为沟通问题,质量问题等难免出现分歧。如果对方或主持人继续纠缠,直接说你们有多少官司?你们导致了多少知名的官司?那些官司死了多少人?化了多少tax return? 你到电视上做了多少努力去阻挡这些官司的调查? 5 Trump 缺少经验的问题: 总统最重要的职责是根据自己国家的情况做出对自己国家最有力的决定。你做过国务卿,你取得了什么?恐怖主义就是在你任上泛滥。这个问题一定不能多说,必须firm,一个是trump不善于说这些复杂的东西,对方有很能绕 总而言之,对手致命问题太多了,多谈对手,少谈自己,少说。 再有还准备一点有关他们相比较的材料。这些材料对倾向明显的人价值不大,但对犹豫的人有价值,也就是说对争取选票有价值。 分享一下我从民主党转共和党的心路历程 雪雕
各位中国同胞们: 大家好!
我想在这个决定美国未来命运的大选时期跟你们分享一下我在政治上的心路历程。 作为一个新移民,我从前一直都支持民主党,因为在我的印象当中民主党一直为少数族裔说话,争取权利,而共和党则代表保守排外的美国白人势力。每次投票的时候,我都是带着一颗感激的心把我的选票投给了民主党候选人。我很怕共和党上来。每次在大选中看到共和党站上风时,我都会觉得忐忑不安,为民主党捏一把汗。看到民主党候选人取得最后的胜利时,我会如释重负地疏一口气。
奥巴马不但没有调和族群间的关系,反而让种族仇恨更加恶化。他多次从他的言语中流露出对警察的仇恨。每次发生事情的时候,他就往种族上面扯。当警察开枪打死黑人时,还没等调查结果出来,他就发表言论说,如果当时是白人的话,那他就不会被警察打死了。在这短短的两年时间内,恶性袭警事件暴增。2014年两名纽约警察被人开枪打死。本月初在德克萨斯州的达拉斯市五名警察被人开枪杀死。之后不到两个星期又有三名警察在Baton Rouge市遇袭身亡!在共和党的全国大会上,威斯康星州Milwaukee市黑人警长David Clarke公开指责奥巴马煽动种族仇恨和对警察的仇恨。
奥巴马担任总统期间税暴涨,国债也暴涨。这么多的钱都到哪里去了?答案是大量的钱都用在非法移民的福利上去了!每年成千上万的非法移民涌进美国,几十亿美元都花费在他们的住房,吃饭,交通,甚至手机上面去了!马里兰州蒙郡的房地产税明年将再次上涨,其目的是为了支付非法移民的子女的教育开支。因为我自己就是移民,政府涨我的税拿去支付非法移民的福利开销,我没有意见,只要这些人能在美国遵纪守法。但是事情并非如此!非法移民不断地在美国犯罪。例如,去年7月份在旧金山,一位名叫 Kathryn Steinle 的32岁的美国妇女被非法移民乱开枪打死。打死她的凶手是个前科累累的非法移民。美国国土安全局曾几次要求旧金山地方政府将其交出,而旧金山地方政府却藏匿他,拒不配合,导致悲剧发生。受害者的父母准备正式状告旧金山政府。今年六月份,在爱达荷州,三名来自于两个穆斯林难民家庭的男孩性侵犯了一名5岁的白人女孩子,并且在其身上撒尿,拍录像。奥巴马政府封锁消息,并威胁说,谁要将其张扬出去就惩办谁。美国宪法赋予人民的言论自由。奥巴马是谁啊?他难道要超越宪法吗?这两件事情只是冰山一角。
作为中国移民,我们必须付出高于别人十倍的努力我们才能在这个国家生存,融入这个社会。读书是大部分华人实现美国梦想的唯一途径。因为我们的努力,在学校里我们取的最优异的成绩。然而我们仅有的这个机会也被驳夺了。今年6月23号,最高法院以4比3票数通过了平权法案(Affirmative Action)。平权法案其实是最不平等的法案,因为它要求学校在录取学生的时候是以种族比例来录取,而不再是以学习成绩和考试分数录取了。换句话说,你的小孩很可能永远都不可能进自己喜欢的大学了,不管他们的学习成绩再怎么好,仅仅是因为他们是华人!更糟糕的是在加州政客还试图将华人从其他亚裔群体当中划分出来。这如同当年纳粹给犹太人贴标签一样!在最高法院通过平权法案的时候,希拉里还含沙射影地说: “美国高等教育的大门是给大家开的,而不是只给某些人开的。”我听到后,很想问她: “你说的那些某些人是指谁?”她好象是在说我们华人将别人受教育的机会剥夺了。我们华人在美国本来就占少数,我们又是最和平的群体。我们哪里来的这么大的本事去剥夺别人的机会?我们都是付出艰辛的努力在和别人竞争。而现在看来我们唯一实现我们美国梦的门也被民主党关闭了。
这次大选对我们每个人都至关重要。不论你是否个人喜欢川普,他是我们唯一的希望。美国高等法院从前有9名大法官。他们5人是共和党,4人民主党。这些大法官都是历来的总统任命上去的。总统最长任期为8年,而这些大法官则是终身制。因此这些大法官是任命他们的总统的延续。在今年年初其中一名共和党大法官去世了,所以目前最高法院的大法官是4名民主党, 4名共和党。那名共和党大法官去世以后,奥巴马急着任命一位自己的民主党大法官来填补他的位置,所幸被国会参议院阻止。所以新的大法官只能由新的总统来任命。如果国会参议院没有阻止他的话,那么后果不堪设想。其结果就是那五百万非法移民将得到大赦。如果希拉里当选美国总统,那么她肯定是任命民主党大法官。结果就是美国的政治权力完完全全地,而且永久性地落到民主党手里了。这是无法逆转的。美国将完全被民主党控制。这将是巨大的灾难!因为他们可以为所欲为。几百万的非法移民,难民就会如同洪水般地涌入美国。恐怖分子将混进难民潮进入到美国。暴徒们会在大街上暴打你们的儿子,孙儿。同时你们还得纳税供养他们。你们可以说是沦为他们的奴隶了。恐怖袭击事件会频繁地在你周围发生。波士顿的爆炸案,法国巴黎和尼斯,比利时的布鲁塞尔,和佛罗里达奥兰多大屠杀事件会成为“家常便饭”。
我的这篇文章是几天前开始写的。就在我写的同时恐怖暴力事件就不断地在发生,所以我得不断添加文章里所举的实例。感觉都有些应接不暇了。你的生存权甚至都被剥夺了。你可能一瞬间就跟家里人阴阳两隔了。 欧洲就是在短短的几年时间由人间天堂变成了阿鼻大地狱。欧洲的今天将会是美国的明天,如果我们让民主党继续执政的话。这是为什么很多美国民众感到气愤的原因。
川普被民主党政客批评为仇恨制造者。但是他并没有制造任何仇恨。他只是精确地指出了这个“恨”的根源。他说出了美国民众憋在心里很久的话。他打破了“政治正确”,因此我们现在可以说我们想说的话了。请仔细看一看: 到底是谁在真正制造仇恨?川普是唯一的一个如此准确地找出社会问题根源的总统候选人,所以他是解决这些问题的最佳人选。他欢迎合法移民,他尤其欢迎欣赏美国传统价值的移民,而美国传统价值观跟我们华人的价值观是完全吻合的。我再次鼓励大家选川普为我们的新总统,让美国再次强大起来!
我们多数过去都是支持民主党的。现在慢慢明白过来了。我注意到大多数华人社团也都是支持民主党的。过去很多华人对政治不太热心,很多人不了解。但现在很多华人觉醒了,尤其是中产阶级华人的觉醒。这些华人社团却不能跟上新形势,与多数华人民意相违背。如果不改变,我真的为这些华人社团的领袖感到可惜。如此优秀却如此执迷不悟,一世英明毁于一旦。 Deport an illegal immigrant who violated the law and lied in courtCreated by H.L. on July 15, 2016A reckless driver, who is an illegal immigrant, ran red light and severely damaged the vehicle of a US citizen. She lied all about the accident in court just after she took the oath to tell the truth. Lying in court is perjury, which is considered as a serious felony. It is an insult to the justice! It is extremely offensive for us, the law abiding US citizens, to see an illegal immigrant profane the justice of the United States in a US court! After she walked out the court room, she even made a scornful smile! That's extremely despicable! Therefore, we humbly request the Honorable White House to investigate this incident and deport that illegal immigrant to honor the Justice of the United States.
In early 2011, the Arab Spring, a series of anti-government protests, uprisings and armed rebellions spread across the Middle East. Obama administration provided rebel groups enormous supports to help them topple the governments. Most of the weapons that Obama administration provided fell into the hands of the ISIS terrorists. With the collapse of the governments in Middle East, ISIS expanded rapidly like cancer growing. Especially, after the fall of Muammar Gaddafi, who was willing to make peace and cooperate with the United States, Libya became the hot bed of terrorism. On September 11, 2012, in Benghazi in Libya, terrorists attacked the US embassy and killed the U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith along with two other US SEAL members. Despite of hundreds of calls that the ambassador had made for help during 13 hours before he was killed, Hillary did not do anything at all. It was the inaction of Hillary that attributed to the death of those four Americans. In order to cover her criminal negligence, Hillary lied all about the Benghazi attack. After that, my impression on Hillary began to change. The ambassador was appointed by Hillary. Since she did not even care about his life, how can we expect her to care about us? 如果你不知道今年大选应该选谁最代表你的利益,请花几分钟参加这个测试,从你的答案计算机会告诉你那位候选人是站在你这边的。很有趣。
Moreover, instead of harmonizing the relationships among the races as what I expected, Obama is actually making racial hatreds even worse. He especially verbally expressed his hatreds toward police and incited several riots during the past two years! Every time, when an African American was killed by a non-black cop, instead of waiting for investigation reports to see what was going on exactly, he arbitrarily associated that incident with racial discrimination. As a result, the number of attacks on police has increased dramatically. Two police officers were killed in 2014, and two years later, five Dallas police officers were shot to death.
During the term of Obama, the taxes have skyrocketed, but the national debt has also skyrocketed. Where did the money go? The answer is that tremendous of taxpayers’ money has been spent on social welfares for illegal immigrants! Every year, tens of thousands of illegal immigrants are pouring into the United States, and billions of dollars are used on their housing, food, transportation, and even cell phone expenses! In Montgomery County, the real estate tax is expected to increase the next year in order to pay the school expenses for children of illegal immigrants. Since I am an immigrant myself, they raised my taxes to pay living expenses for illegal immigrants, I did not express any resentment as long as they obeyed the laws of the United States. However, that’s not the case at all! Those illegal immigrants keep committing ruthless crimes on law abiding citizens who are actually paying for their livings! For example, Kathryn Steinle, a 32-year old US citizen, was shot to death on July 1 last year by an illegal immigrant, who was harbored by the local government of San Francisco although he had committed several other crimes before. On June 2, 2016, three of Muslim boys from two refugee families sexually assaulted a 5-year old white girl and urinated on her in Idaho. President Barack Hussein Obama’s top legal appointee in Idaho threatened to prosecute Americans who would try to spread out the news about that incident. This is the United States. Our speech is protected by the First Amendment. How can Hussein Obama be above the U.S. Constitution? Those two incidents are just the tip of an iceberg. It appears that illegal immigrants have special privileges over American citizens. The Democratic politicians give them the immunity from the justice for the crimes that they have committed. The Democratic Party is actually promoting crimes in order to get more votes. Obama tried to legalize the residential status for five million illegal immigrants. Fortunately, Obama’s proposal was not passed in Supreme Court by a 4-to-4 vote. Hillary Clinton promised that she would finish Obama’s job if she is elected to be the president of the United States. She also planned to bring 620,000 more refugees into the United States during her first presidential term at lifetime cost of over $400 billion. As Chinese immigrants, we have to work hard to survive in the United States. We don’t need any special favor. The only thing that we need is an equal opportunity to compete with others. We study hard, so we achieve the highest scores in schools. We work hard, so we make great contributions to our professional fields. Getting a higher education is the only way for most of Chinese Americans to realize their American dreams. However, the Democratic politicians even deprived of the only opportunity that we deserve. On June 23, 2016, the Supreme Court made a decision to uphold Affirmative Action in college admissions with a 4-to-3 vote. Under Affirmative Action, colleges are required to admit students based on the percentage of the racial population instead of their academic performance. To state more specifically, your children may never be able to go to the colleges that they like no matter how well they have done in high school and no matter how high the scores that they achieve on college admission tests just because they are Chinese! Even worse, the Democratic politicians in California are even trying to separate Chinese from other Asians. It is just like Nazis labeling every Jew! Hillary Clinton made a comment on the Supreme Court decision by saying, “The Supreme Court’s Fisher decision is a win for us all. The doors to higher education should be open to every American, not just some”. After I read it, I wanted to ask her a question: “Who are the ‘some’ that you are talking about?” Obviously, she was insinuating that it was Chinese who seized the opportunities to get higher education from others. We, Chinese Americans, are the most peaceful ethnic minorities in this country. How can we seize the opportunities from others? The only thing that we can do to compete others is to work 10 times harder than they do. Now it seems that the only door for our American dream is closed! The only thing that we can do to protect our interests is to vote for the Republican Party! Based on the ideology of the Republican Party, everybody deserves an equal opportunity of compete with one another. There is no specialty for anyone because we are all created equal. You may be a senior citizen enjoying free meals at a senior center, and you are thankful to the Democratic Party for that. But have you ever thought that the free meals that you receive are not really free? They are paid from the heavy taxes that your son or daughter has paid. The cost of your free meals is just a very small portion of the taxes that your children have paid. Your children don’t just pay your free meals. They have to pay free meals, free medical services, free education, and free cell phones for tens of thousands of illegal immigrants! Your grandchildren may never be able to go to the colleges that they dream about because the children of illegal immigrants will have the priorities to your grandchildren. So which one is more important to you? A free meal or the future of your children and grandchildren? If you really care about your, your children’s, and your grandchildren’s future, please cast your vote to Donald Trump. No matter whether or not you like him personally, he is our only chance. The US Supreme Court used to have nine justices. Five of them were Republicans, and four of them were Democrats. The justices of the Supreme Court are appointed by the president of the United States. Unlike the president who can only serve eight years at maximum, those Supreme Court justices can serve for lifetime. In other words, the Supreme Court justices are the extensions of the president of the United States, who appoints them. At the beginning of this year, one of the Supreme Court Republican justice passed away. As a result, there are four Republican and four Democratic justices in Supreme Court. After the death of the Republican justice, Obama desperately tried to appoint a Democratic justice to replace him, but the Senate stopped him. So the next justice can only be appointed by the new elected president. If Hillary Clinton is elected, she will definitely appoint a Democrat as a new justice. As a result, the political power of the United States will fall into Democratic Party completely and permanently. It is irreversible! The United States will be totally controlled by the Democratic Party indefinitely. It will be a huge disaster because they can do anything that they want! The floodgate will be opened, and millions of refugees and illegal immigrants penetrated with terrorists will flood into this country. They will beat your children and grandchildren on street. They will terrorize everybody like they do in Europe, while you will have to continue to pay their social welfares. You will be treated as lower class citizens. You will virtually live as their slaves! Terrorist attacks will happen everywhere just like what happened in Boston, Paris, Brussels, and Orlando. Your right to live will even be deprived of! I am not exaggerating. Don’t you see that Europe has been turned into a hell from a paradise? What is happening in Europe today will happen in the United States tomorrow if we still allow the Democratic Party to rule our country. That’s why so many Americans get angry. Donald Trump is criticized by the Democratic politicians for creating hatred, but he did not create hatred at all. Instead he precisely pinpointed the root cause of the hatred. He just boldly spoke something that many American people had been holding in their hearts for a long time on their behalf. He broke the “political correctness”, so we now have the freedom to express our feelings. Since he is the only presidential candidate who has accurately identified the problems of the United States, he is the best one to solve such problems to make America great again. He welcomes legal immigrants, especially the ones who appreciate the values of this country. Again I encourage all Chinese Americans to vote for him to be our next President! Comments (@MyRabbit) 怀着一颗颤抖的心, 我看完了你的文章。难得的好文啊! 你是one of 我们华人类似的Martin Luther Kings 了。对于大多数90年代的留学生, 如我, 又是母亲, 你的心路里程完全反映了我们的心路历程。我曾经等着投票给 Hilary...Only after I saw her through with my maturing brain and close observation did I realized why some of my friends said she was so vicious...多谢你的努力, 战斗者! 你的文章会让很多沉睡的雄狮醒来, 就好像我们当初一样。。。 (@haiying)
而且蒙郡 (MD) 的房地产税上涨,其原因是为了支付非法移民的子女的学费开销!
一个社会如果是凭人头获得资格的,这个社会就是死水一潭的社会。 中国改革开放前就是那样的。 (@老蒋)
When Blacks Voted 80 Percent Dem, Malcolm X Called Them 'Chumps'
80-20这一组织想要把80%的亚裔选票投向某个候选人, 且不说目标现实不现实, 就这一说法就表明他们只不过想步非裔美国人的后尘, 正如非裔美国人中的明白人, 民权领袖Malcolm X说的那样, 当"政治榆木疙瘩"。 (@马尧江鸟)
休斯敦中国城一位先生前两天被抢。这是他写的经过。 周四晚上我们一行人打完球,大概10点45分一同离开球馆,我锁的门,各自驾车离去,我行至大概200米,忽然想到中心大厅空调未关,想着独自返回就1-2分钟搞定没事,全然未顾及安全,此错之一! 停车后锁上车门没带提包就进去了,枪在包里,此错之二! 关完空调从大厅走出来时,习惯性的看看外面的环境,没有异常!就出来锁好门准备开门登车,此错之三! 外面光线灰暗,并无遮拦,唯一可以阻挡我视线的其实就是自己的车,却未细心蹲下来观察一下!我的车就停在大门右侧最近的一个车位,等我几步走到车前开门,两个黑鬼突然从我的车后面窜出向我扑过来,等我反应过来已是0距离,当时本能反抗,拒绝被控制,扭打之中,脸部和头部受伤,但终寡不敌众,被按倒在地上,车钥匙被抢,钱包被抢,歹徒乘机窜上车逃跑,此错之四! 无谓搏斗,可能会造成更严重的后果!那就现在不能在这里描述了!等我爬起来,车已倒出,我还是试图抓住后车厢门顺手拉开了,一个手提电脑在加速中滑出,车出大门后右拐跑了,我的手枪和大部分现金都在车内包里!现金是近几个月的会员费没及时存,中心每次房租希望我写支票,此错之五! 许多现金带在身上,愚蠢之极!我跑出到对面足球场借个电话当即报警,报告案情后,警察送我回家,至今车还没找到! 以上描述,尽可能详细,就是要用我的教训告诫大家,近来社区很乱,小心警惕不应该只是说说而已,应该时刻小心,不要给歹徒机会,我们大家要从自己做起,不能让歹徒频频得逞!枪也不是用来壮胆的,要为我们社区的安全真正起到作用,给歹徒严厉的惩罚,才能打击他们的嚣张气焰,维护华人社区的安全! June 01, 2016 As a backer of former Republican presidential candidates, I now stand in support of Donald J. Trump because the fate of this nation depends upon sending him, and not Hillary Clinton, to the White House.
I know Donald Trump, but we’re not close friends. However, I believe he will begin on Day One undoing the damage done by President Barack Obama. I stand ready to help him at every turn. Trump meeting with a group of supporters at his home in LA (CA) Like many, I am deeply concerned about the US Supreme Court. When Trump recently released his list of potential appointees, I grew confident in his resolve to keep our court balanced. Even more important: Clinton will push the court leftward for generations. She must be stopped. But I draw even more from lessons learned when we founded The Home Depot in 1978 rather than from the contentious GOP primary of 2016. I genuinely believe that if we to started The Home Depot today, we would fail because of the hurdles government, especially the current administration, places in front of small business owners. I never forget The Home Depot’s small business roots – we started as a small business with four stores in Atlanta, Georgia. I think of the banker who nearly lost his job by taking a risk and giving us a line of credit when we started. He didn’t just look at our balance sheet; he believed in our character and determination. Government regulators don’t allow this under Dodd-Frank – a law Hillary Clinton wants to make far worse. 天天 Team 扫街的视频 - 6/06/2016 LA (CA)
And going public under Sarbanes-Oxley, a Clinton favorite? Not the company we built, nor thousands of other businesses like ours the nation will never know because they died at birth, strangled by faceless bureaucrats and politicians who erroneously believe that government “can do it better.” Yet the risks we took in the 1970s have resulted in millions of jobs – not just at The Home Depot, but at our suppliers, our vendors, and even our customers’ businesses. Investors believed in us, and the government did not stop us. We could not do this today, for the same reason why so many Americans have dropped out of the workforce, why their wages have been stagnant, why their health care is a mess, and why our economy has stalled. It’s Obama/Clinton-style government that’s getting in the way. I have never seen our government as hostile to free enterprise, especially small business, as it is today. It is driving over-regulation, over-taxation, over-litigation, and over-spending. These “overs” are killing small businesses, which create the majority of new jobs in America. Politicians like Obama and Clinton, aided by the media and academia, have peddled a dangerous sentiment that government can provide for Americans better than the private sector. That’s not just false, it’s likely the nexus of Trump’s massively popular slogan, “Make America Great Again.” We saw it first hand. The vast majority of early Home Depot associates did not have a college education. But they worked hard and were paid with salaries and stock options. Those options made many people wealthy, and fueled our robust growth. One young man started with us at 17 years of age, bringing carts in from the parking lot. Ultimately, he became a regional president. Imagine Americans vilifying this young man, who became a millionaire and earned every penny of it. What makes America great? Risk, preparation, hard work, and a young man’s willingness to shag carts from a parking lot because he has faith that he and his family can be great. Donald Trump is right: To inspire more of these men and women, we must make America great again. Record-breaking numbers of Republican primary voters agree. They overwhelmingly want Donald Trump to lead this sea change, and we believe he can. But he needs to stand on our shoulders; he cannot do it alone. One of the greatest lessons we took away from The Home Depot is to always listen to your customers. Without their input, we surely would have failed. Republican leaders must listen to their customers, too – their voters – and they have spoken clearly. As Americans, the choice is abundantly clear: If you want four more years of President Obama, vote for Hillary Clinton; if you want to take the country in a new direction, vote for Donald Trump. Make no mistake, Republicans who refuse to stand behind their party’s nominee are electing Clinton, whether they cast their ballots for her or not. I have a message for the #NeverTrump crowd: Enough already. Donald Trump is our presumptive nominee and it is time to get over wishing it were not so. If you don’t, change your social media hashtag to #HillaryGOP. As a GOP donor who stood steadfastly behind Jeb Bush – and who has contributed to candidates for a generation – I urge all Republicans to stand up and be counted in support for Donald Trump. Bernie Marcus is co-founder of The Home Depot and chairman of The Marcus Foundation.