Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in Bangor, Maine (10/15/2016)

Please "vote" for your President


Poll conducted since 9/5/2016

New Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in Bangor, Maine (10/15/2016)

New Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in Portsmouth, NH 10/15/16

New Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in Charlotte, NC 10/14/16

New Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in Greensboro, NC 10/14/16






3.种族矛盾:全球化和外包照成的失业给美国劳工,尤其是底层低技能的劳工带来毁灭性的打击。黑人和老墨这两个种族受害最大,一部分底层白人也一样。这激化了整个美国的社会矛盾。而且这种矛盾转化成白人和黑人/老墨, 亚裔和黑人的矛盾。为了缓和这种矛盾,政治正确大行其道。


2)Trump:反全球化和外包,控制外来人口(非法移民),以谈判和关税为筹码,逼跨国公司的大佬把工作转移回美国。一旦这个政策成功,大量的黑人/老墨将得到充足的工作机会,尽管是低端的。同时高端的产业也会回归,如半导体等电子产业。这对亚裔是有益的。整个社会的全部工作岗位会大幅增加,但物价会有一定的上涨,因为made in amercia。但大家的税收会下降,因为:劳动人口的增加导致的税基扩大;大量黑人/老墨工作后犯罪率的降低导致社会维护成本的下降。大家生活也会更有安全感。

5. Trump的动机:他一个快70岁的老头,没有点理想是不会掺和这事。但也不能否定他的利益动机。看他以及他亲家的产业,你会发现他们主要以房地产,尤其是商业房地产为主。同时他还有些赌场。这些产业和实体经济联系很紧。没有工作机会,就没人租/买办公楼。没有工作机会,劳工阶层也不会去赌城。在过去这几十年里,他应该深深的感受到美国实体产业的衰落。理想和利益的结合,才是驱动他参选总统的原因。

6. 同性恋:这不是个话题,也不是利益的关键,只是民主党用来distract选民的手段。

7. 股市:Trump的政策就是让跨国公司以牺牲利润的方式来增加国内就业。一旦Trump

结论:明白了这些问题,你才能理解那些什么政治正确,普世价值 以及种族矛盾的根源,也就能理解为啥所有的上层精英和主流媒体都在黑trump。这次竞选早已超越了党派,而是劳动人民和华尔街大佬的对决。斯洛登去年就指出这次大选不是民主党vs共和党,而是main street vs wall street. 记住一句厚黑学里的话:什么思想斗争,路线斗争都是假的,只有权利和利益斗争才是真的。我要在这里和西粉/床粉说一句,Be mature! vote for your interest and future.




(Man-O-War, @陈力简)

New Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in CINCINNATI, Ohio 10/13/2016

New Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in West Palm Beach, Florida 10/13/2016

New Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in Lakeland, Florida 10/12/2016

New Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in Ocala, Florida 10/12/2016

New Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in Panama City, Florida 10/11/2016




New Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (10/10/2016)

New Full Event: Donald Trump Holds Rally in Ambridge, PA 10/10/16

Full Speech: Governor Mike Pence Rally in Johnstown, PA (10/6/2016)

Full Speech: Mike Pence Rally in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (10/6/2016)

Full Speech: Mike Pence ​Harrisonburg Virginia Rally (10/5/16)

Full Event: Donald Trump Speech on Cyber Security in Herndon, Virginia (10/3/2016)


New Full Event: Asian American for Trump Reception, Falls Church, VA 9/23/2016

(@Anh) "It was a great success and we had a big turnout with over 200 attendees!"

CAFT (Chinese Americans for Trump Movement) holds a picnic in Vienna, VA, 9/24/2016. "Donald Trump posted our picture on his Facebook on 9/25/2016".

(Complimentary Photography by @雨尘)

Asian Pacific Americans for Trump

If you want to volunteer with your local Republican Party, you go tohttp://www.virginia.gop/get-local/ to find your local GOP and get involved.

Trump Campaign News (9/28/2016)


  • Hillary Clinton has been entrenched in the Washington, D.C. establishment for over 30 years and is the embodiment of the status quo.
  • According to Gallup, 72 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of the country.
  • Donald Trump is a change agent offering Americans the opportunity to boot out the establishment and take their country back.
  • As a result of Donald Trump’s huge debate win on Monday night, the Trump Campaign (in conjunction with the RNC) had a massive fundraising day on Tuesday, bringing in more than $18 million.
  • This is a movement to Make America Great Again. We are grateful for the support of millions of Americans across the country. With this kind of energy and generous support behind us, we are going to have President Donald J. Trump in the White House


  • Why did Hillary Clinton take four entire days off the campaign trail to cram for the debate? As Mark Twain said, "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." With 30 years-worth of a record to distort, she had a lot to remember. (see below for specific lies)
  • As Barack Obama said in 2008 Hillary Clinton is willing to say anything to become President.
  • 70% of Americans don’t trust Hillary Clinton. The debate did nothing to change that.
  • Hillary Clinton sounded rehearsed, memorized and scripted - not authentic or genuine. She speaks on behalf of special interests and crooked donors.
  • Mr. Trump was Presidential -- restrained, poised, agile and determined. He once again showed himself to be the leader America needs going forward.

  • Mr. Trump was focused on the issues Americans care about: unleashing the economy, bolstering national defense, revitalizing the inner cities, making pro-America trade deals, bringing jobs back to America and stopping illegal immigration.

What the American people saw in the debate was an agent of change versus the status quo. Hillary Clinton is someone whose only core conviction is that she wants to be elected president, which is why she’s so willing to distort her record and outright lie.

  • Donald Trump is a visionary leader who is giving a voice to millions of Americans whose interests have been ignored for far too long.
  • Mr. Trump went two-on-one against both Hillary Clinton and an activist moderator and still came out on top.
  • Donald Trump is speeding to victory on November 8th and to Making America Great Again

Hillary Clinton Lied about:

  1. TPP - she was for it before she was against it, she said it was the “Gold Standard”

  • She said manufacturing jobs increased in the 1990s after Bill Clinton signed NAFTA. The United States lost half a million manufacturing jobs in the 1990s.

  • NYC Crime Rate DID go up after Stop and Frisk practice was ended,

  • Hillary Clinton DID call young African Americans “Super Predators,”

  • Lied about her campaign and consultants starting the Birther movement


  • Mr. Trump complies with all applicable rules and regulations.

  • The Government unquestionably squanders taxpayer dollars.

  • It is absolutely proper to let applicable rules and regulations determine how much is paid in taxes.

Stop and Frisk in Chicago and NYC

  • Mr. Trump believes stop and frisk helped New York and that it should be part of the solution to the crime pandemic in Chicago.
  • Stop and Frisk is a tool that had been available for the police in Chicago but a new policy, forced by the ACLU, went into effect on Jan 1, 2016 and‎ has caused for stop and frisks to be down by 80% this year. We see the result in the horrific crime numbers.
  • There have been 232 more shootings and 55 more gun murders in Chicago so far this year than in all of 2015.
  • There have been over 550 murders in Chicago this year - that is not the America our citizens should be living in.
  • After a liberal judge discontinued Stop and Frisk in New York City, murders jumped by nearly 20% and shootings by 9 % in the first five months of 2015.
  • For the entire year of 2015 in New York, murders increased by 5 percent for the entire year, and rapes were up over 6 percent.
  • Hillary Clinton lied at Monday’s debate when she said that crime decreased after end of Stop and Frisk in NYC.
  • Stop and Frisk is fully constitutional under Terry v. Ohio. The NY decision was by a lower federal court and a judge who was then removed from the case.

False Washington Post Story on Trump Foundation

  • The Washington Post continues its political witch hunt against Mr. Trump. Fahrenthold's story is full of innuendo, worthless conjecture and no facts.

  • Throughout his career, Mr. Trump has waived fees for appearances, speeches, and publicity rights, and instead encouraged that donations be made to charity. Often, those donations were made to his Foundation, which is logical.

  • Contributions that are made to the Trump Foundation are distributed to reputable and worthy recipients such as veterans’ groups, police support groups, cancer awareness and other extremely deserving entities.

  • Mr. Trump and the foundation have followed all applicable rules and regulations. This speculation is unfounded and irresponsible.

  • Fahrenthold is grasping for straws, even he admits he cannot find anything that was improper. What a waste of 6 months of his life and career.

  • Mr. Trump will continue to keep the focus on worthy charitable causes, and his generosity in regards to both his time and money.
  • The Clinton Foundation is set up to enrich the Clintons personally by selling access and trading political favors. This is influence peddling at an unprecedented level.
  • Meanwhile, The Trump Foundation has no paid board, no management fees, no rent or overhead and no family members on its payroll.

Dismissed 1973 Lawsuit

Neither Mr. Trump nor his father or business participated in discriminatory practices.

There is absolutely no merit to the allegations. This suit was brought as part of a nationwide inquiry against a number of companies, and the matter was ultimately settled without any finding of liability and without any admission of wrongdoing whatsoever.

National Polls

LA Times/USC Dornsife Tracking National Poll

DJT +3

Trump 46

Clinton 43


Trump 47

Clinton 47

Bloomberg National Poll (9/24)

DJT +2

Trump 43

Clinton 41

DJT Improvement +6

WaPo/ABC National Poll

Trump 47

Clinton 49

DJT Improvement + 6

Morning Consult National Poll

DJT + 1

Trump 39

Clinton 38

‎DJT Improvement + 3

Battleground States

Pennsylvania Mercyhurst University (9/27)

Trump 41

Clinton 42

Pennsylvania Morning Call/Muehlenberg (9/19-23)

Trump 38

Clinton 40

DJT Improvement +7

85% of Republicans in PA support DJT, Improvement + 14 in one week

Pennsylvania CNN/ORC (9/25)

Trump 44

Clinton 45

Colorado Gravis (9/25)

Trump 41

Clinton 37

DJT + 4

Colorado CNN/ORC (9/25)

Trump 42

Clinton 41

DJT +1

Ohio Gravis (9/27)

Trump 43

Clinton 42

Minnesota Gravis (9/27)

Trump 43

Clinton 43

Iowa Quinnipiac (9/22)

Trump 50

Clinton 44

Colorado CBS/YouGov (9/25)

Trump 39

Clinton 40

Colorado Breitbart/Gravis (9/23)

Trump 41

Clinton 37

Florida Suffolk (9/19-9/21)

Trump 45

Clinton 44

Nevada Fox (9/18-20)

Trump 43

Clinton 40

Ohio Fox (9/18-20)

Trump 42

Clinton 37

North Carolina Fox (9/18-20)

Trump 45

Clinton 40

New Full Event: Donald Trump Holds HUGE Rally in Roanoke, VA 9/24/16

(@玲) 今天川普在 VA 的Rally, 人山人海


张玮教授,北大 93 级计算机本科,Virginia Commonwealth University 教授, is on the news.

New CAFT (Chinese Americans for Trump Movement) Holds Picnic in Vienna, VA 9/24/16

FCPS 校董 Elizabeth Schultz (left) is talking with Trump supporter Dahai (right)

FCPS 校董 Elizabeth Schultz is giving a speech on FCPS education and the upcoming General Election

Mr. Ronald Wilcox (in the middle, holding the sign) from NoVA Tea Party attended the picnic





这是华裔在美国参与政治的 Logo。我们有一天会让这段历史载入历史,教育我们的孩子,永远努力捍卫自由平等。



我有一个川普签名的 CAFT 挺川 T 恤。一直没洗,留着备用.

New 中国之窗拍摄的大选前,地方选民的观点的辩论, Fairfax, VA 9/24/16

New Asian Americans for Trump Holds Dinner Reception in Falls Church, VA 9/23/16

Over 200 people attended.

New Full Event: Donald Trump Holds Rally in Chester Township, PA 9/22/16



俺也是1994年拿美国大学奖学金来读书,毕业以后工作,公司办绿卡留下来的。很多经历都差不多。 可是我们当年是,只要有工作就有 H1B, 然后申请绿卡。我工作以后报税,发现,美国人真聪明,奖学金不是白给的。 这位老兄可能不知道,今天的很多留学生,毕业了找到工作,但是 H1B 名额不够,要抽签。 很多受高等教育以后,美国需要的人才只好离开美国。 可是另一方面, 大量的非法移民被大赦了,合法地流下来了。大量的难民涌入了。 我认识一家中东来的难民,父母年轻力壮,来美国什么工作都不作,一口气生了8个娃娃,全家吃福利。照理,他们应该感恩吧,但恰恰相反,他们对美国充满仇恨,认为社会对他们不公平,他们没有新车,房子是租的,没有很多零花钱,孩子买不起 iphone. 同时,他们在中东有很多亲属,在排队移民。 这家人就住在 Fairfax。

New Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in Toledo, Ohio (9/21/2016)




转: 这位黑人弟兄觉醒了,说得太好了! 号召大家把这个视频直接 share 在 Facebook 上,让更多的人认清为 Hillary 站台的Obama 及民主党的丑恶嘴脸,让更多的人不受主流媒体的欺骗,让更多的人做个正确的选择。


It is well said by James Harris.





New Full Event: Gov. Mike Pence Rally in Williamsburg, Virginia (9/20/2016)





太鼓舞人心了,Trump 在 High Point University,NC 吸引了很多的年轻支持者。Obama says blacks need to vote for Hillary to preserve his legacy. Obama should walk around the inner cities and take a look at his legacy. Trump will be the new leader to unite the country!





New Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in Kenansville, NC 9/20/16

New Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in High Point, North Carolina (9/20/2016)



昨天去参加川普的竞选活动,真可以说是人山人海,大家在100度的高温烈日下排队3-4小时进入会场,没有人像希拉里那样晕倒. 川普出场时整个会场沸腾,欢呼声震天.....


加州 Hillary 掉了八点.

New Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in Fort Myers, FL 9/19/16





希拉里在搞 “攘外必先安内”,没有常识

New Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in Colorado Springs, CO 9/17/16

New Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in Houston, Texas (9/17/2016) Trump Live Speech

Supporters parade for Donald Trump in The Villages Fox News

Full Event: Donald Trump Holds Rally in Miami, FL 9/16/16

Also available on:

Full Event: Donald Trump Speaks in Washington, DC 9/16/16

Also available on:

涛声依旧谈大选系列之五 – 川普的妇婴保健政策

作者: 涛声依旧

前几篇系列谈了民主党与共和党的主要区别, 两党候选人在税收, 移民和反恐政策方面的比较, 下面我们谈一谈川普最近发表的妇婴保健政策。

众所周知, 美国的妇婴保健是所有西方国家中最差的:没有国家统一政策, 妇女产假的时间长短和产假期间的费用或工资全由各个公司自己决定。如果在大公司工作, 产假福利可能会好些, 但如果你的雇主没有雄厚的资金和人员, 选择将会很少: 要么生完孩子很快回去上班, 要么就要冒着失去工资甚至工作的危险多休几周。虽然在过去的40多年里, 妇女从业率从1975年的47% 上升到现在的70%多, 而且抚养孩子的费用逐年增高, 但美国政府几乎从来没把妇婴保健政策放在主要地位。川普是近代美国总统候选人中将这一政策作为重点推出的第一人, 下面我们看看包括了哪些具体内容。

  1. 让家庭有选择适合他们需要的护理服务:对于有小孩的家庭, 托儿费用, 包括公立和私立托儿所幼儿园, 课后照看和辅导班等, 都将得到税收减免, 直到孩子13岁, 每个家庭可以减免多达4个小孩。这个税收好处同样适用于自己家庭, 比方说家中的父母或祖父母如果提供的相关服务, 也可以将费用减税; 对于有老人需要专人照顾的家庭, 每年可以减免高达5千美元的税前费用。

  1. 帮助每一个有抚养幼儿和老人的家庭减轻经济负担:为了帮助那些需要抚养小孩和赡养老人的家庭, 川普鼓励他们开设“家庭依赖成员护理账户”, 直系亲属和雇主可以往这种账户里存每年不高于2千美元的税前资金用于免税, 此账户中的余额可以跨年保留。对于低收入家庭, 如果父母可以每年为孩子存1千美金, 政府会以孩子为单位补贴最多500 美金。账户里的存款可以用于孩子成长的各种费用,以及18岁以后的大学费用。 对于老年人的护理, 账户里的钱可以用来支付托老所, 家庭护理, 以及长期护理费用, 等等。

  1. 逐步建立以家庭和社区为元素的崭新的, 全面的保健系统: 现有的托儿所由于严格刻板的规章制度成本非常昂贵,时间不灵活,数量有限,大多集中在城市, 而且因为古板的政策法规育儿效果十分不理想。川普的政策将会放松一些不必要的规定, 引进市场机制, 鼓励邻里,亲戚朋友,祖父祖母等以家庭和社区为主的托儿系统, 提供相关服务的家庭和个人会得到税收上的减免。

  1. 鼓励雇主在工作场所设立妇婴保健站: 其实早在2001年就有立法鼓励雇主提供就近母婴室, 相关费用可以得到高达每年15万美元的税务补助,川普要在现有基础上增加补助金额以鼓励有条件的公司提供母婴室。如果是小业主没有条件提供设施, 可以为员工提供部分托儿费用, 这些费用可以抵税。更重要的是雇主可以通过此项措施减少员工流失率, 员工会由此提高工作热情和效率, 投入更多的精力和时间完成任务

  1. 保证每一个产妇都有6个星期的带薪产假:目前只有12%的雇主提供带薪产假, 而且大多数只有2周。川普的政策是通过改进现有失业保险使其包括6周的带薪产假。这一政策会增加大约25亿美元的政府费用, 但可以同过剔除现有政策中的高达56亿的不正当费用抵消, 不会提高公民的税务负担。研究表明, 这个政策的最大收益人群是未婚, 没有大学学历的非白人母亲。

川普的妇婴保健和幼儿/老人年护理政策为家里有负担的女性提供了更多的选择和方便, 更提供了经济上的支持和资助, 会直接帮助女性在职场上的发展, 并减少家庭的后顾之忧。家庭是社会和平,稳定, 进步的最关键因素之一, 在政府, 社区, 雇主,雇员的一致配合下, 国家的进一步发展会有根本性的保障。

此前民主党和不少共和党和独立选民都认为川普不够尊重妇女, 但这一政策的推出从根本上打消了人们的顾虑。很多女性会因此选择川普, 因为这一政策直接为女性的职业发展和家庭和谐提出了具体切实的帮助, 也是美国政府有史以来在这方面的重大突破。

遗憾的是目前为止民主党候选人西拉里还没有提出类似的政策。如果她在大选前提出相应政策, 我们会及时归纳总结。

Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in Laconia, NH 9/15/16

Full Event: Donald Trump & Mike Pence Speech at Economic Club of New York (9/15/2016)

Full Event: Donald Trump Rally in Canton, OH 9/14/16

"We had a MASSIVE RALLY in Canton, Ohio tonight - with AMAZING AMERICAN'S. Thank you for your support - Ohio. We need you in November. Have a great night! -DJT"

Full Event: Donald & Ivanka Trump Unveil Child Care & Maternity Plan In Aston, PA 9/13/16



我看了 video, 谢谢. 川普的 childcare plan 真的非常贴心.

Full Event: Donald Trump Holds Rally in Des Moines, IA 9/13/16

Full Speech: Donald Trump Holds Rally in Asheville, NC 9/12/16

Full Speech: Donald Trump Speech to the National Guard Association in Baltimore, Maryland 9/12/2016

9/11 memorial event in NYC. Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton. Rudy Giuliani. Sep 11, 2016.
