Donald Trump DESTROYS Hillary Clinton In New York City Speech (6-22-2016)


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Why the Clinton Foundation is so controversial

June 22, 2016, 01:24 pm
Trump camp reports raising $2 million in 12 hours

By Mark Hensch

Getty Images

Donald Trump's presidential campaign claims to have quickly raised $2 million since making a rare pitch for small donations.

Trump's son Donald Trump Jr. said in a Wednesday email to supporters that his father had hit the mark in just 12 hours, Politico reported.

The message also urged backers to continue donating and working to keep Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, out of the White House.

“We all know what a disaster Crooked Hillary would be for this country if she were elected,” Trump wrote. "And the only way to stop her is to stand together and fight against her fraud and lies.”

The Trump camp sent out a fundraising plea to small donors Tuesday, promising to match donations coming within 48 hours up to $2 million.

Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, finished May with just $1.3 million on hand, a shockingly low figure, especially compared to Clinton's $42 million in the bank. Trump raised just $3.1 million last month to Clinton's $28.2 million.

The Trump campaign sent its first “emergency” fundraising email to supporters Saturday, seeking $100,000 by the day’s end.

The message came before Clinton launched a multimillion-dollar ad blitz in eight swing states this week, her first geared toward the general election.

Clinton has raised $238.2 million over her entire campaign, more than triple Trump’s largely self-funded $64.4 million.

Clinton leads Trump by about 6 points nationwide, according to the latest RealClearPolitics average of polls.


30 tech companies sign White House diversity pledge

By Mario Trujillo - 06/22/16 05:34 PM EDT

More than 30 tech companies made a commitment to the White House on Wednesday to track and set workforce diversity goals.

The pledge by companies to make their workforce more representatives of the public was signed by a number of high-profile companies including Airbnb, Box, GitHub, GoDaddy, Intel, Lyft, Medium, Pinterest, Spotify, Zynga and others.

The companies pledged to set specific diversity and hiring goals, and also to publish the data openly. They further vowed to "invest in partnerships" to increase the pipeline for tech talent.

"With the eyes of the world on Silicon Valley, today the Obama Administration is announcing new commitments to advance inclusive entrepreneurship and innovation here at home," the White House said in a statement.

While "Tech Inclusive Pledge" sets a general goal to make companies "fully representative" of the U.S. public, it allows companies to set their own pace.

The pledge appears less rigorous and specific that commitments that the Congressional Black Caucus has tried to pressure companies into signing.

The tech community broadly has a poor track record at diversity.

According to statistics offered by the group running the pledge, 9 percent of tech workers are black or Hispanic. That number is only 1 percent among venture capitalists. The vast majority of patents are also filed by men.

The White House has used its bully pulpit to press the industry in the past. Last year, it got 10 companies to agree to consider diverse candidates when it is looking for new senior executives.

The pledge was wrapped into a broader slate of tech-focused initiatives the administration rolled out on Wednesday ahead of President Obama's talk at the Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Silicon Valley on Friday.


龙虾党 - Grocery Receipt


转:今天6/22上午10点左右,加州参议院教育委员会就细分亚裔的 AB1726 法案投票。首先赞同方兩人在台上讲话,然后赞同方其他代表在台下说明自己的名字及所代表的组织是赞同的;接着反对方派了三名代表发言,然后反对方其他代表在台下说明自己的名字及所代表的组织是反对的


接着,一直支持我们的南加参议员Bob Huff发言,阐明为什么反对这个提案;然后Sacramento选区的参议员Richard Pan大谈为什么支持。

Richard Pan说他的选区里API(太平洋岛国)的选民如何要求细分,要求被更多的照顾,完全无视今天去的反对此提案的20多位Sacramento及Elk Grove在他选区里的选民。在Richard Pan的心中,华裔选民的声音不是他考虑的。

在周一6/20我们Elk Grove的代表找他面谈时,他气焰嚣张,一直试图打断我们代表的发言,把我们当无知的人,上来就质问我们是否看过该提案,是自己有意见还是被别人撺掇的来反对。我们无论说什么,他都不听,只夸夸其谈自己那一套。在我们离开后,他急急忙忙亲自带领一群要求赞同AB1726提案的API太平洋岛国的代表去游说其他参议员。

今天在听证会上,Richard Pan满口胡言,他只代表太平洋岛国的人,太平洋岛国的人在美国全国人口普查中是不算在Asian group的,但加州非把他们放在Asian Group,现在跑出来给我们捣乱。

教育委员会的主席Carol Liu也是该提案的坚定支持者,说自己是data Driven。


请大家记住共和党议员Bob Huff,他是我们忠实的朋友,是我们的英雄。多年来他一直在帮助华裔社区。当年SCA5就是他发现这个法案不利于华裔,及时通知华裔社区,并积极帮助我们反对,才让这个提案搁浅。请南加的朋友一定要坚定地支持Bob!

南加的朋友,请记住Carol Liu,她是无视华人利益的。

还要请大家记住Richard Pan。Sacramento的朋友们,Richard Pan当年以Elk Grove众议员身份竞选参议员时,是以极其微弱的优势打败对手的,当年华裔社区对他是支持的。如果没有华裔社区的支持,他不一定能够当选。可是请看,他就是这样回报我们的。Sacramento、Elk Grove的朋友们,请记住今天Richard Pan是如何无视他选区选民的意见,是如何出卖我们的利益的,下次换届的时候我们坚决不能选他。

不幸的是,Richard Pan同时又是参议院健康委员会的委员,也就是说,在健康委员会的讨论中,他又会跳出来跟我们对着干,我们需要做些事情让他明白我们不是那么好欺负的,他背叛选民是要付出代价的。




